Terms of Use 

Edited as of March 23, 2024

This document explains the rules and conditions for using GOITSOKAY Corporation’s Website (https://digitaldevwizard.com) which you can find at 4122 Pot O Gold Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406, United States.

 By visiting this Website, you agree to these Terms of Use. Do not use this GOITSOKAY Corporation’s website if you do not accept all of the Terms of Use on this page. The following words and phrases have specific meanings in these Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer Notice, and all Agreements: “Client,” “You,” and “Your” mean you, the person who accesses this Website and follows the Company’s Terms of Use. “The Company,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us” mean our Company. “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” mean both the Client and us. All terms mean the offer, acceptance, and payment that are needed to carry out the process of our help to the Client in the best way for the main purpose of satisfying the Client’s needs regarding the provision of the Company’s services according to and under the law of us. Any use of the words or phrases above or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization, or he/she or they are considered as the same and, therefore, as meaning the same.


We use cookies on our website. By visiting GOITSOKAY Corporation, you consent to use cookies according to the GOITSOKAY Corporation Privacy Policy. Many websites use cookies to remember the user’s information for each visit. Our Website uses cookies to make some features work better and to improve the user experience on our Website. Some of our partners who provide ads or services may also use cookies.


Except as otherwise stated, GOITSOKAY Corporation or its licensors have the intellectual property rights for all the material on GOITSOKAY Corporation. All the intellectual property rights are protected. You can access this from GOITSOKAY Corporation, for your personal use, as long as you follow the restrictions in these Terms of Use. 

You are not allowed to: 

  1. Publish any material in part or whole of GOITSOKAY Corporation again. 
  2. Sell, rent, or give permission to use any material in part or whole of GOITSOKAY Corporation to others. 
  3. Make copies, imitations, or duplicates of any material in part or whole of GOITSOKAY Corporation
  4. Share any content in part or whole from GOITSOKAY Corporation with others

This Agreement starts on the date of today. Some parts of this Website let users write and share their opinions and information in some areas of the Website. GOITSOKAY Corporation does not check, change, post, or look at Comments before they are on the Website. Comments do not show the views and opinions of GOITSOKAY Corporation, its workers, or partners. Comments show the views and opinions of the person who writes their views and opinions. As much as the laws allow, GOITSOKAY Corporation will not be responsible for the Comments or any problems, losses, or costs caused or suffered because of any use of or writing of or showing of the Comments on this Website. GOITSOKAY Corporation has the right to watch all Comments and to delete any Comments that can be seen as not suitable, rude, or breaking these Terms of Use. You promise and show that: You can write the Comments on our Website and have all the needed permissions and agreements to do so; The Comments do not break any intellectual property right, including but not limited to, the right to copy, the right to invent, or the right to own a name of any other person; The Comments do not have any bad, false, rude, not proper, or illegal material, which is a violation of privacy. The reader will not use these contents to ask for or advertise business, work, or do any commercial or illegal activities.

You give GOITSOKAY Corporation, a license that is not exclusive to use, make copies, change, and let others use, make copies, and change any of your Comments in any way, shape, or form.

Linking to our Website

You can link to our Website without asking us first if you belong to one of these types of organizations: Government agencies; Search engines; News organizations; Online directory distributors that link to other businesses the same way they link to us and System-wide Accredited Businesses, except for non-profit organizations, charity shopping malls, and charity fundraising groups that are not allowed to link to our Website. You can link to our home page, our publications, or any other information on our Website as long as the link (a) does not mislead anyone; (b) does not suggest that we sponsor, endorse, or approve of you or your products or services; and is appropriate for the site where you put the link. We may also accept link requests from other types of organizations, such as: well-known consumer or business information sources; dot.com community sites; charity groups or associations; online directory distributors; internet portals; accounting, law, and consulting firms; and educational institutions and trade associations. We will approve link requests from these organizations if we think that: (a) the link will not make us look bad to ourselves or our accredited businesses; (b) the organization has no negative history with us; the link will benefit us by making us more visible; and (d) the link is relevant to general resource information. These organizations can link to our home page as long as the link (a) does not mislead anyone; (b) does not suggest that we sponsor, endorse, or approve of you or your products or services; and is appropriate for the site where you put the link. If you are one of the organizations in the second category and you want to link to our Website, you have to let us know by sending an e-mail to GOITSOKAY Corporation. Please include your name, your organization name, and contact information, as well as the URL of your site, a list of the URLs from where you will link to our Website, and a list of the URLs on our site that you want to link to. Please wait 2-3 weeks for our reply. Approved organizations can link to our Website in these ways: By using our corporate name or by using the URL of the page you want to link to; or by using any other description of our Website that makes sense on the site where you put the link. You cannot use GOITSOKAY Corporation’s logo, or any other artwork, for linking unless you have a trademark license agreement with us.


You need our approval and permission in writing before you can make frames around our Web pages that change how our Website looks.

Content Liability

You are solely responsible for any content you post on our Website. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims arising from the content you provided on our Website. You should not link to our Website from any Website that contains anything defamatory, obscene, or illegal or that infringes, violates, or encourages the infringement or violation of any rights of third parties.

Reservation of Rights

We can ask you to take down all links or any specific link to our Website. You agree to take down all links to our Website right away if we ask you to. We can also change these Terms of Use and our linking policy at any time. By keeping the links to our Website, you agree to follow and respect these linking Terms of Use.

Removal of links from our Website

Contact us to report offensive links on our Website You can reach out to us at any time if you encounter any link on our Website that you find objectionable for any reason. We may or may not remove the links based on your request, and we may or may not reply to you personally. We make no guarantees about the correctness, completeness, or accuracy of the information on this Website, nor do we commit to keeping the Website accessible or updated.


We do not make any promises, guarantees, or conditions about our Website and how you use it, as far as the law allows. This disclaimer does not: affect our or your responsibility for death or personal injury caused by us or you; affect our or your responsibility for lying or cheating; change any of our or your responsibilities that the law does not let us or you change or remove any of our or your responsibilities that the law does not let us or you remove.

The rules and restrictions of liability in this Section and in other parts of this disclaimer (a) depend on the previous paragraph and (b) apply to all responsibilities that come from the disclaimer, whether they are based on a contract, a wrong, or a legal duty. We will not be responsible for any harm or loss of any kind, as long as we provide the Website and the information and services on the Website for free.

Payment Policy

We accept the following credit/debit cards: Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Please give us your exact billing address and phone number (i.e., the address and phone number that your credit card bank has for you). Please fix the information to avoid delays in your matters. We will charge your credit card when the transaction is done.

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